Wins, costly mistakes, and things that inspired me
I won the lottery! But made some costly mistakes too and was inspired by a podcast and a series I found almost randomly.
I won the lottery! But made some costly mistakes too and was inspired by a podcast and a series I found almost randomly.
Is this really my first post in… a year? Gosh. Maybe I won’t have a new post for you every week or so, but I do not want to this website to become a place where I write just once a year to look back at previous year. 2022 seems Read more…
And so the Christmas holidays have gone, the new year has started and the end of January is in sight. Days pass, weeks and months even, and I realise I haven’t shown my face here for a while.
(more…)‘L’ is the kind of person whom one could listen to for a very long time – a gentle and calm voice, a smart lady and an interesting story.
She started investing in rental properties only 12 years ago after her divorce, but in just a few years she owned up to 7.5 properties (one she co-owns with someone else).
(more…)This is my third draft for a new post. Life’s corona-induced sameness is ongoing. Is there anything new to say? Let’s see.
This week one of my LinkedIn connections wrote that she got so bored during lockdown #1 that she wrote a book. My first reaction: she had time to write a book?!?!
(more…)If there is one thing we have all learnt this year is that we cannot control everything. Sure, we normally get to control a lot more than we can this year, but the principle remains.
You may be familiar with the principle of ‘control only what you can control’. This is what is known as the Circle of Control. I can’t explain it better than Mr Money Mustache did with this simple yet super clear chart:
A few days ago while digesting my lunch I decided that, as I could not focus much on work, I could just as well rake up the large amount of leaves that were covering our lawn. It was the day the government announced that London, among others, would move up to Covid alert level 2, meaning increased restrictions on who we could meet and where.
(more…)Yesterday I quit my job without having another one lined up.
Yes, I know there is still a pandemic out there, and there will be for many more months.
(more…)Two weeks ago I did an antibodies test. I was selected at random from the list of my GP’s patients and in a couple of days I had the test kit home.
I have been quiet for a while lately because, frankly, this year is emotionally and psychologically intense. As if Brexit and Coronavirus were not enough, the world is now in upheaval – and rightly so – about racial discrimination and unjustified killings, especially by police forces who are supposed to protect us.