Word of mouth, social proof and referrals
Social proof has always been around. It is the result of a deeply rooted psychological bias which implies trust in other people.
How to save more money with the 80 / 20 rule
The internet is flooded with advice on how to save more money. Sadly, in my opinion, most of it exists simply to fill pages and keep people from focusing on the important stuff.
Lessons from my grandmother
My German grandmother recently passed. (My Italian grandmother passed over 30 years ago.) She was 103, nearly 104 to be precise, and had suffered from increasing dementia for a few years. We were all sad, yet we all agreed it was the end of a long and fulfilled life.
The phone call that made my pension pot grow by 20%
This is a rather well-kept secret that most people I talk to don’t know about.
How to tidy up your old pensions painlessly and for free
I first heard of PensionBee on social media and, I must admit, I initially ignored. But when I changed job and signed up for my pension I realised I would get yet another pension provider!
How to invest in sustainable resources (like Leonardo DiCaprio)
Have you ever wanted to invest your money in companies that make a difference to the environment – but didn’t know how? Leonardo DiCaprio showed us how large investors do it with his DivestInvest campaign – but how can we all actually do it?
How I’m investing for my daughter – 2018
As my daughter just turned one, I’ve been reflecting on her first year and wondering what the future will bring for her and how we as parents can help and support her.