Many smart people have said that your choice of life partner is one of the most important choices you will make in your life, one that will also affect your finances. Imagine a FIRE disciple who falls in love with a spender and shopaholic!
Many smart people have voiced interest in a FIRE dating app, from Mr Money Mustache to several Reddit users and many more who never put it in writing online.
We raised the topic once more in Budapest at the Financial Independence Weekend 2019. And made it happen!
Sign up
If you are single, serious about FIRE and looking for a like-minded life partner – sign up here.
The app is still in Beta, which means it’s not yet as fancy as some of the established dating apps. But it’s free, and the more people we have, the more feedback we can get and make it better. And the better it gets, the more fish will be swimming in the FIRE pond 🔥🐟🌊
Please help us spread the word and tell all your single FIRE friends.
FIREdating – created with ❤️