Financial independence
I did an antibodies test. Plus savings, side income and learning
Two weeks ago I did an antibodies test. I was selected at random from the list of my GP’s patients and in a couple of days I had the test kit home.
Two weeks ago I did an antibodies test. I was selected at random from the list of my GP’s patients and in a couple of days I had the test kit home.
Social proof has always been around. It is the result of a deeply rooted psychological bias which implies trust in other people.
I’ve recently been thinking about my best side hustle or part-time job ever. In the course of my life I’ve had a large number or side hustles and part-time jobs. Just to give you an idea (in chronological order)… … but these are the two best ones. Mountain hut assistant Read more…
I love a good side hustle. Not only do they bring in some extra money, they give a bit of diversity.